No próximo dia 20 de junho, a LusNIC irá participar no 3º Internet Governance Forum Cabo Verde, organizado pela ARME – Agência de Regulação Multissectorial da Economia, com o mote “A Internet que queremos – Empoderando todas as pessoas”.
Specifically, LusNIC will participate in the panel “The presence of Portuguese on the Internet and in language technologies, and implications for Internet governance” and “Cybersecurity, cybercrime and online safety, where are we, where are we going”.
The discussion of multilingualism is complex, but it must be open and inclusive. The responsibility and role of each language on the international scene is different, not only due to its scope and diffusion, but also to its percentage of penetration in the world Internet. The Portuguese language aggregates 3.1% of Internet users, 2.5% of the world's population, 67.2% of connectivity and has a world linguistic power of 3.35%. The highly digitized countries that serve as headquarters for the major world technological players reveal a predominance of their language in the digital landscape. The expansion of the Portuguese language online is only possible through the mobilization of all Portuguese-speaking countries and the main national players in the digital area, and the joint fight against the “digital gap” of Portuguese-speaking countries with lower connectivity rates .
More information soon here.